04 February 2010

One dream and Two purchases

I had a dream two nights ago about Australia.  I haven't yet been there, so I have to assume that it was due to Hugo's wonderfully detailed descriptions combined with a great book I just finished entitled Cold Beer and Crocodiles by Roff Smith, who travelled around the continent perimeter by bike.
The air was warm and heavy; i walked slowly through the lush environment, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, hearing the sounds of birds and insects.  I passed a stranger along the way who repeatedly said, "reggae is my favorite music".  Curious...

Purchase number one:  Alas! I have secured my ticket to the enormous country of Australia.  I will be leaving from LAX on Feb 22nd and arriving direct into Brisbane on the morning of the 24th.

Purchase number two: replacement Pumas.
Hell yes.


  1. Congrats Benjie! wow, that's exciting! and far! and a very long flight! but so much fun!!! :)

  2. What a fine way to keep friends and relatives informed!

  3. Uh, yeah,,, the age old debate.. Puma's Vs. Addidas... I'm team Addidas... that's just how I roll.
