31 March 2010

Birds and fun times in cities with great names like "Mooloolaba"

First things first.  I told my nephew, Cooper, that I would take a photo of some of the birds here.  This one is a cockatoo.  Isn't it a beauty?  Cooper: make some drawings of this guy!

Bored?  Try pronouncing the name "Mooloolaba".  It will give you a few minutes of fun.  Just say it to yourself in every way imaginable.  Give it a go.
Ok, now rush off to your meeting. 

On Saturday, Hugo and I went to this beautiful city, which is on the:

We rented a car to go to a triathlon there.
It was a short-distance World Cup and so only the best of the best participated.
Hugo took photos while I competed.  Can you find me in this photo?:

I look pretty toned, don't I?  It's amazing what Australia has done to me already!  

The nice bloke that Hugo and I live with is an Aussie named Ryan.  He dug up an ace book on Australian Slang.   

Some entries include: 
  • abso-bloody-lutely = emphatically yes
  • easy as spearing an eel with a spoon = not easy
  • why keep a dog and bark oneself? = let jobs be performed by those most suited; points out the unnecessary duplication of a role/activity  
  • looks like a madwoman's knitting = messed up
  • 'dill' or 'galah' = fool 
  • chook = chicken
  • pushing shit uphill with a rubber fork = attempting an impossible task  [CDPHE staff: use this one!]
I'm off.  Enjoy your day...


  1. Uh yeah, uh, Where's Mick Dundee in all this Austrailian adventure? Up north in the Never Never I bet.

  2. Cooper says: Aunt Benjie, I miss you because you went to Austrailia and we are decorating a box and I put a racetrack inside of it and Mommy decorated the top with bits of paper bundled up on top of it. Thank you for the picture of the bird. I liked it and that's why I wanted Mommy to write this. And we just got a new book from Grandpa and Oma. It's an Easter book and we are going to read it tonight. I love you. Tell Hugo that we sent this letter to you. Also, tell Hugo that I miss him.
