03 June 2010

Skillets, Biscuits and Whales


I am almost positive that I have burned my fingers on every cast iron skillet I've ever seasoned.  After looking for a good skillet at the thrift stores here, I finally found a new one for only 20AUD!  Brought it home.  Oiled it.  Stuck it in the 150 degrees Celsius oven for an hour.  Carefully took it out.  After somef time, I touched the handle---assuming it had cooled off.  WRONG.  I could have auditioned for a circus clown as I literally jumped up and down and expressively yelped, "ow, ow, oW, OW!!"  There is a lovely blister on my left pointer finger and a slight burn on my middle digit.  Please observe:

I had my first official volunteer day at the Northey Street City Farm.  After beginning with a tour and meeting some of the regulars, I was offered to either layer wet newspaper on new, large garden beds or to carefully pick Nut Grass (a prolific weed here) from other beds.  However, just beyond that action, I saw a gentleman performing a task that I was keen on [aka interested in]: digging.  Not surprisingly, when I offered to give him a respite, he accepted.  There is something about working with a shovel that I enjoy.  It involves the entire body...and all those satisfying blisters you get on your hands...how can you go wrong?  After an hour a big bell rang, calling all of the workers in for a community lunch--which was just lovely.  There is a specific section of the garden devoted to feeding the crew and assigned cooks for each day.  We all ate a delicious roasted vegetable salad, pesto pasta, bread and drank hot tea.  After we were done eating, I helped out with the aforementioned tasks and had a fantastic series of conversations with a wonderful man named Selwyn Randolf Garfield Smith (no joke).

Before I came to Australia, I met with two women now living in the Denver area who had recently lived in New South Wales.  Something they mentioned was the diverse, delicious cookie (biscuit) options available.  I am sure all of you know that I have a sweet tooth, and so I am enjoying my go at trying many different kinds.  Chris--I think I found a fair replacement for those French Vanilla Keebler cookies that disappeared.  I will send you and Casey some.

This weekend, Hugo and I are taking off with Cam--the owner of the house we live in--to go to Byron Bay for some camping, surfing and possible kayaking.  Whale watching season normally starts at the very end of May; I shall keep my eyes peeled.



  1. I've always thought cast iron was over-rated.
    I get the idea.. you buy one pan, then you have it till you die. Seems like a great idea.. The problem is, they take forever to heat up, a pain in the ass to clean, and they weigh 34 pounds, not good for sauteeing...good for cowboy stew.. and that is it.

  2. Don't feel bad. I once ended up in the ED with blisters on my hand from...a hot pop tart. No joke.

    Sounds like you're doing great...blisters aside. Be well!


  3. Damn! I always do that too with the skillets, what's up with that?
